Chemist Warehouse Depend & Poise Loyalty Tokens T&Cs


  1. This offer is available for purchases made between 01/01/2025 to 31/12/2025 (Loyalty Promotion Period), however redemption is available until 31/01/2026.
  2. To earn a token, purchase a DEPEND® or POISE® product in-store. One token is earned per product packet purchased. Eligible purchases include all DEPEND® or POISE® products in stock in-store (/including those on promotion ).
  3. Tokens will appear at the bottom of the purchase receipt.
  4. One free DEPEND® or POISE® product can be redeemed when you earn/collect 4 tokens in total.
  5. The free product will be of equal or lesser value to the lowest value product of the 4 products already purchased, as shown on the receipt(s) provided.
  6. Customers must retain full receipt(s), clearly displaying tokens, as proof of purchase.
  7. Tokens are to be surrendered at the time of redemption.
  8. Tokens collected at Chemist Warehouse can be redeemed at any Chemist Warehouse store in New Zealand.
  9. Tokens can be collected from multiple purchases over separate transactions during the Loyalty Promotion Period.
  10. Chemist Warehouse and Kimberly-Clark Australia Pty Limited reserve the right to suspend, cease or alter the terms and conditions of this DEPEND® & POISE® Loyalty Token program.
  11. Unless in the case of a straight swap , if a DEPEND® & POISE® product is returned, the token earned on the returned product will be deemed null and void for the purposes of the Loyalty Token program.
  12. The promoter is Kimberly-Clark Australia Pty Limited (ABN 65 000 032 333) (Promoter), Level 4 100 Arthur St, North Sydney, NSW 2060, Australia and Level 2, 123 Carlton Gore Road, Newmarket, Auckland 1023, NZ. Tel: 09 523-6204


  1. This offer is available for online purchases made between 01/01/2025 to 31/12/2025 (Loyalty Promotion Period)
  2. During the Loyalty Promotion Period, purchase 5 DEPEND® or POISE® products online at in a single transaction and receive the lowest priced DEPEND or POISE product for free (“Free Product”).
  3. Customers must add at least 5 products to their cart to qualify for this offer. A discount will be automatically applied at checkout. The lowest priced item in the cart will be the Free Product.
  4. If a customer wishes to return any of the purchased items, the value of the Free Product will be deducted from the refund amount.
  5. This offer is not valid on previous purchases and cannot be applied retroactively.
  6. This promotion is valid while stocks last.
  7. Chemist Warehouse and/or Kimberly-Clark Australia Pty Limited reserve the right to suspend, cease or alter the terms and conditions of this DEPEND® & POISE® Loyalty Token program.
  8. The promoter is Kimberly-Clark Australia Pty Limited (ABN 65 000 032 333) (Promoter), Level 4 100 Arthur St, North Sydney, NSW 2060, Australia and Level 2, 123 Carlton Gore Road, Newmarket, Auckland 1023, NZ. Tel: 09 523-6204